Finding Garn Smith’s hut, or the tiger of Mount Kate

Much knowledge of the European fur industry in Tasmania has been lost. Hunters rarely carried Box Brownie cameras, and too few of them were interviewed about how they operated in the bush. Many of them thought it not worth recording. It was just a day’s work. For many it was hard, uncomfortable, cold and remote … Read moreFinding Garn Smith’s hut, or the tiger of Mount Kate

Recollections of bush life: Reg Bramich

In the 1990s I was fortunate to spend a couple of days with Sheffield’s Reg Bramich at some of his old highland haunts. Reg, who grew up at Narrawa near Wilmot, lived a way of life that is long gone. He helped form and metal part of the Cradle Mountain Road, trapped rabbits and snared … Read moreRecollections of bush life: Reg Bramich