Loose Ends – that ‘farm at Mount Agnew’

A great find, but what now?     The hunt started with a picture. Ian got excited. It ended when he found where the cottage had once stood. That was a long way from where it was supposed to be.  Ian moved on to the next search. But there were way too many loose ends … Read moreLoose Ends – that ‘farm at Mount Agnew’

A Mystery Photo of a little Farm House

Another Heemskirk Adventure Introduction Like so many of our hunts, this one started with a photo.  Nic had introduced us to Orient Mine near Trial Harbour. And what a story it had to tell. The team; Nic, Ian, Eddie, Jenny, Tim and I; visited it a few times looking at the remains of the mine: … Read moreA Mystery Photo of a little Farm House

Digging up Mrs Williams, or the phantom of the Heemskirk tin boom

On 28 May 1882 a woman died on Tasmania’s West Coast and was laid to rest nearby. No doctor attended her, no police constable, magistrate or registrar was notified.1 No priest officiated at her funeral. None of these positions existed on the Heemskirk Tin Field. There was nothing but a scattered population of mostly Cornish … Read moreDigging up Mrs Williams, or the phantom of the Heemskirk tin boom